STIKES Muh Tegal Ready To Create Collaboration

The Vice-Secretary of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), M. Adam Jerusalem MT PhD inaugurated dr Arief Darmawan MMR as the Head of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal online (19/06). Prof Dr Ir M Zainuri DEA as the Head of LLDIKTI Regional VI Central Java, H Arief Azman, SE as Senate of STIKes Muh Tegal, Prof H Masrukhi MPd as Muhammadiyah Province Board of Central Java, and the Daily Advisory Board of STIKes Muh Tegal attended this agenda.

dr Arief Darmawan, MMR as the Head of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal, in his remarks, explained that he was sure in Pharmacy Department would be developed in Tegal regency. “We ensure that the Pharmacy Departement can be a new locomotive for Muhammadiyah Tegal,” he explained. Several priorities have been worked on for the next four years, including the Organizational Cooperative and Collaboration and Management Development of Higher Education Institutions. The management included in Human Resources and Financial. Afterwards, good corporate governance could be realized with the transparent and accountable governance of higher education and human resources development (the lecturers and staff). “Afterwards, it can be realized in improving the trust of Muhammadiyah and Tegal citizens through accreditation and the scientific publication,” he said.

After being inaugurated, dr Arief inaugurated the Vice-Head I, Hendra Apriyadi MPd and Vice-Head II Samsul Bahri MM. Hendra Apriyadi mentioned the awareness of Tegal citizens in pursuing the higher education incline. “The increase of Tegal citizens and nearby awareness to pursue higher educations has been captured by Muhammadiyah Tegal as a potential to improve human resources of Islamic ummat (community),” he said. These potentials, undoubtedly, should be followed by the qualities of the higher education institution development and create excellent students. “The human resources mentioned were the qualifications in entrepreneurship capabilities and skills in all disciplines and create this higher education institution to get high credibility in communities,” he said.

STIKES Muh Tegal Ready To Create Collaboration

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