UHAMKA Students Follow Lecture from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Twenty-three students of the Pharmacy department Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (UHAMKA) followed a lecture from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, Thursday (31/03). The lecture was conducted in the Pharmacy department, Puncak Alam, Malaysia. They took Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Science classes for two credits.

The Dean of Pharmacy and Science (FFS) UHAMKA, Hadi Sunaryo, mentioned the purpose of the agenda. According to him, the agenda was a follow-up program from a Memorandum of Agreement from both parties. Besides the lecture, outbound and inbound programs for students, higher education offers in Pharmacy UiTM to FFS lecturers, collaborative research, and International seminars. “Since last 2021, UHAMKA and UiTM had agreed to sign the Memorandum of Agreement,” said Hadi Sunaryo, as reported on the UHAMKA site.

Afterwards, Inding Gusmayadi, the Vice-Dean I, explained that the collaboration was conducted due to the coordination of both parties. Besides the collaborative program, there was also UHAMKA’s Office for International Affairs contribution. It aimed to facilitate the administration. “Following UiTM’s lecture will provide new valuable experiences for UHAMKA students. They also gained different knowledge from the courses they usually do due to the different mediums of instruction, English combined with Malay and Indonesian language. The outbound lecture also aimed to improve UHAMKA’s quality and develop students’ competitiveness in ASEAN level to global,” he said.

UHAMKA Students Follow Lecture from UiTM Malaysia

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