The business incubator of the Institute for Research and Social Services (LPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi (UM Jambi) collaborated with the Indonesia Ministry conducted Business Matching and Expo for the prominent product of the beneficiary’s families on the Grand Hotel. The event was held to set a meeting between business owners and suppliers, distribution, funding, and investor partner candidates.
“This is Business to Business (B2B) meeting that both parties have a matched industrial business background. Alhamdulillah, we have agreements with several Micro Enterprise Units of Program Keluarga Harapan Beneficiaries and investors to improve particular business units,” said Agesha Marsyaf, the Head of Business and Technology Incubator of LPPM UM Jambi, Tuesday (21/12). The Rector of UM Jambi, Dr Nurdin, SE, ME mentioned the trust given by the Indonesia Ministry of Social Affairs to run a Business Matching and Expo program. UM Jambi becomes the only Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution that has been assigned to assist Social Entrepreneur Program (ProKUS) 2021.
Unmuh Jambi assistance to Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) involved in Ultramicro group, the lowest level of MSME unit. The assistance was also conducted by UM Jambi including in producing and packing products, financial management, licensing, and marketing. For three months, Unmuh Jambi had assisted ProKus to develop 45 kinds of products. In short, Unmuh Jambi will keep assisting and supporting the products to gain halal certification from Indonesia Ulama Council.