UMP Faculty of Health Science Held Preceptorship Training

Faculty of Health Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) collaborated with General Hospital Muhammadiyah Siti Aminah Bumiayu conducted the Preceptorship Training Friday (22/10). The Dean of Faculty of Health Science UMP, Dr. Umi Solikhah S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep, explained that a preceptor should understand the principles to guide the students in mastering the method and evaluations to demonstrate to the students in the clinic. “One of the criteria of high competency preceptor was to adapt to the learning needs both individual and group which was applied in the consultation method,” she said.

In her opinion, the clinical learning environment needs to conduct direct observation and give feedback to support students in reaching the expected competence. Several types of research which students did on clinical learning showed the distinction between what they should do based theoretically and what happens in the field. “Lack of assessment and feedback in student performance becomes one of nurse education deficiency in nursing care,” she said.

One of the ways to improve the nursing student quality was to develop nursing practice areas, including the professional nurses as the clinical supervisor or the preceptor. “The communication and leadership skill, the right decision making competence, and professional development support are the most important thing to be a perceptor,” she added in front of preceptorship training participants. [] UMP / Diktilitbang

UMP Faculty of Health Science Held Preceptorship Training

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