To develop and improve employees who have motivation, competencies, and integrity based on Islamic values, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (Unisa) Bandung held Baitul Arqam ‘an ideological training’ for the employees in Sare Hotel Yogyakarta, Sunday-Tuesday (28-31/08).
The Head of Human Resource and Public Administration Bureau, Haris Hidayat, S.T., M.Kom. mentioned that Unisa Bandung was a huge mandate for academic civitas to actualize good governance on the Islamic campus. “The solidarity through solid teamwork in Baitul Arqam is necessary to build if we want to reach our primary goals”, he said.
Haris also explained that the term ‘teamwork’ here means combined actions from all academic civitas that have common concern and commitment to reach targets in agreement to achieve collective goals effectively.
“Baitul Arqam aims to build and develop University employees that have motivation, integrity, and competencies to have various roles as a competent organization cadre, Muslim, Muhammadiyah member, nation and humanities,” Haris said, in a written statement (05/09).
The Baitul Arqam was followed by 51 employees consisting of 17 lecturers and 34 educational personnel that recently just started working on Unisa Bandung. Similar to Haris, the Rector of Unisa Bandung, Tia Setiawati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Ns., Sp.Kep. An. also hoped that the Baitul Arqam could improve knowledge and elevate the motivation of the participants in developing Muhammadiyah social services.
“It is the first Baitul Arqam for the new hires in post-pandemic. I hope the two-day training raises the insight and motivation in how to practice the Islamic values in a strong foundation to develop Muhammadiyah services,” Tia said when delivering remarks.
On the other hand, Achyar Riyadh, a participant and the Dean of Science and Technology Faculty, admitted that he received various knowledge, especially Muhammadiyah’s perspectives. “In 3 days following the training, there is abundant knowledge that I found new perspectives of Muhammadiyah that I have never known. The important point is finally we should return to Bandung to implement as it was expected,” Achyar said.