Student Creativity Program – Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC) team from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UM Surakarta) designed an innovative automatic brake control system. The prototype can detect human objects around the blind spot area on mining heavy equipment. The equipment will automatically work to stop the engine when it comes to several conditions related to workplace accidents.
In an interview, Umi Fadillah ST, the supervisor, mentioned that the prototype uses the Internet of Things (IoT) system. It aimed to develop a prototype from various job-related accidents in Indonesian mining industries, especially in the last few years. Moreover, work accidents that were closely related to heavy equipment, can cause death. “The workers enter high-risk areas from heavy equipment. One of the possible causes is blind spots from the equipment,” she said on Friday (30/09).
The students who develop the prototype include Untung Budi Utomo, the 2020 Electrical Engineering student; Indar Hidayat and Hidayatus Sufyan, the 2019 Public Health students; and Adin Nur Rohman, the 2021 Industrial Engineering student. In the development, the innovation was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and UM Surakarta.
She continued with the expectation that the innovation will raise the work safety rate in mining industries. “So that it can create a new space in improving the work safety based on technology,” she concluded.