Prospective Nurses’ Pledge Recitation of Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumbar Students

Twenty-nine students of D-III Nursing Science of Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumatera Barat in Academic Year 2020/2021 underwent the procession of uniform wear and the recitation of nurses’ pledge last Wednesday (9/6). The agenda was held in the Convention Hall, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat. The Secretary of LLDIKTI Regional X, Yandri A, SH MH, and the Head of Indonesian National Nurse Association (PPNI), Ns Alfitri, SKep MKep, attended this meeting.

Moreover, Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumatera Barat leaders witnessed the procession, including the Head of Daily Advisory Board, Hj. Syarlinawati Akbar, SPd MM; and the Director, Dr Desi Asmaret, M.Ag. The chairman of ‘Aisyiyah Province Board of West Sumatera, Dra Hj Meiliarni Rusli, also attended this agenda. In addition, the lecturers and academic staff in Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumatera Barat and parents also joined the invitation.

After the procession finished, the students who had been inaugurated were allowed to practice on the fields. The nurses promised to uphold the pledge, and be dedicated to their work as a nurse. In addition, the nurses’ allowance aimed to prepare them to be health workers in the near future. Undoubtedly, as reported in the official Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumatera Barat site, their service should still be based on progressive Islamic values.

Nurses’ Pledge Recitation of Politeknik ‘Aisyiyah Sumatera Barat Students

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