Saintekmu Released Graduates on Its First Graduation

Located at the Desa Wisata Hotel, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Tuesday (7/3), Universitas Saintek Muhammadiyah (Saintekmu) held its first undergraduate graduation in 2023. The graduation was the first time held after the institutional transformation from STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta to University. In this first graduation, Saintekmu graduated 76 students from the Informatics Engineering Study Program and the Information Systems Study Program.

This graduation was attended by Kyai Sun’an Miskan, the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Provincial Board (PWM) DKI Jakarta; Muhammad Musiyam, the Member of the Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education Research and Development; Prita Ekasari representing the Head of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) Regional III, DKI Jakarta; Edy Sukardi, the Deputy Chairman of the PWM DKI Jakarta as well as the Chairman of the Daily Advisory Board, Saintekmu; Arif Budimanta, Presidential Special Staff for Economics, Nasrullah Larada, and Treasurer of the Muhammadiyah Council for Community Empowerment.

Also attending on this occasion, several rectors of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) in Jabodetabek, such as Lela Nurlelawati, the Rector of Universitas Teknologi Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UTMJ); Partono Siswosuharjo, the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Banten, and so on. Between sessions of this graduation, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Purwono Prihantoro as the Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau of the Vice Presidential Secretariat symbolically handed over the social assistance received directly by the Rector of Saintekmu.

In his remarks, Faiz Rafdhi mentioned his great hope for the graduates to continuously develop their knowledge and foster experience in the professional world, in order to become successful graduates and bring the good name of the alma mater and Muhammadiyah. “To the alumni, scholars, do not stop gaining knowledge and experience. The world is much wider than campus. Take a role anywhere, but don’t forget to return to the alma mater. Don’t forget to return to Muhammadiyah,” he said.

Saintekmu Released Graduates on Its First Graduation

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