Unismuh Makassar RisetMu Team Provides Community Legal Aid Education in Gowa

The RISETMU Team in Community Service Scheme of Universitas Muhammadiyah (Unismuh) Makassar held a Community Service (PKM) activity in Pao Village, Tombolo Pao, Gowa. On wednesday (25/01), they raised the theme “Community Legal Aid Education for the Underprivileged People to Increase Legal Awareness in the Pao Village”.

More than 30 people from Pao Village participated in this activity held in the Pao Village office. The PKM team was led by Andi Muhammad Aidil SH MH, who also works as a Lecturer and Advocate while Abdillah SSPdI MA, who is also a Lecturer became his Research member. In addition, several students of the Sharia Economic Law in Unismuh Makassar also involved in this PKM activity. 

Also present online were the speakers from the Makassar Religious Court, Dr. Imran, SAg SH MH CM who is also a Lecturer, Mediator and Registrar at Makassar Religious Court. Muhammadiyah Branch Boards also attended this activity, including the Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Branch Boards of Tombolo, Pao, Harun Zainal, SAg MPdI and the Secretary, Jafar B SAg. The activity raised two major themes, Pro Bono Legal Aid and Prodeo Legal Aid. It was presented by Andi Muhammad Aidil SH MH and Dr. Imran, SAg SH MH CM, respectively.

Furthermore, the participants were given the opportunity to consult directly regarding legal issues that occurred in the Pao. The participants enthusiastically followed the consultation session. One of the topics in the consultation session by the Registrar of the Makassar Religious Court provided a problem solving solution and offered to be collaborated with the Pao Village government.

On this occasion, Andi Muhammad Aidil SH MH expressed his gratitude for the activity that received a positive response and enthusiasm from the community. He mentioned that they were also grateful for this legal aid education.

“According to the community, they have a minimum set of information about the law, especially the legal aid procedures, whether using an Advocate as a Legal Counsel or free of charge litigation. However, after being given this legal aid education, they understand,” he said.

Andi Muhammad Aidil, an Islamic Studies (FAI) Lecturer for the Islamic Economics Law Study Program in Unismuh Makassar, added that they can understand and are no longer afraid of legal issues because Indonesia has a civil law system.

“After this educational activity, we hope that the community can understand that we do not need to spend money to solve problems. Our country provides free legal aid facilities, especially for underprivileged people, which are clearly regulated in laws and government regulations,” he concluded.

Unismuh Makassar RisetMu Team Provides Community Legal Aid Education in Gowa

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