STIKes Muh Ciamis Collaboration with Moist Care Clinic To Socialize Comprehensive Clinical Practice

The Diploma III of Nursing Science STIKes Muh Ciamis agreed to sign an MoU with Moist Care Clinic Bogor. The agenda aimed to implement the comprehensive clinical practice for modern wound care treatment in the special treatment in wound care in Bogor and Jakarta.

The implementation of learning practice in comprehensive wound care was started with the submission by the Head of STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis, H Dedi Supriadi, SKep, Ners, MKes and accepted by the Director of Moist Care Clinic, Irma P Arisanty, S.Kp, RN, WOC(ETN)N. In the submission, Dedi Supriadi prompted the students to actively participate in the Moist Care Clinic for completing the expected competencies.

Ira P Arisanty mentioned the development of modern wound care with the Moist Wound Healing concept that gradually increases in health issues. Besides accelerating the healing process, the moist concept offers aesthetic skin. “The concern of the moist wound care recently has included in the curriculum of nursing education institution in Indonesia,” he said.

According to the Head of Nursing Science Department, Suhanda SKep Ners MKes, STIKes Muh Ciamis students, since a year ago, has added the Modern Wound Care Training in Campus online and offline. “It aimed to provide students to have a new competency and experience about wound care in the community and practical treatment. So this comprehensive clinical practice should be implemented,” he said.

The collaboration of two parties included comprehensive clinical practice and modern practical treatment has been conducted for all STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis students. Meanwhile, the coordinator of the comprehensive clinical practice program, Ns Andan Firmansyah, SKep MKep mentioned the schedule of this practice was started from 6 January to 4 February 2022. The total participants were 63 students divided into six groups in every clinic at Bogor and Jakarta. The students were expected to reach their competencies in providing wound care treatment in an updated and modern way.

STIKes Muh Ciamis Collaboration with Moist Care Clinic To Socialize Comprehensive Clinical Practice

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