UMS Coordinates Meeting to Prepare World Peace Forum in Solo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) will be one of the 8th World Peace Forum (WPF) organizers in collaboration with the Center for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilization (CDCC) and Cheng Ho Multicultural Education Trust. The forum will be held on Sunday-Tuesday (16-18 November) in Solo city.

The world forum raises the theme “Human Fraternity and The Middle Path as the Foundation for A Peaceful, Just, and Prosperous World”. It also aims to discuss several issues related to world crises that will impact civilization.

“The purpose of the forum is to share various perspectives on the issues related to problems in world crises that potentially affect the world order,” said Andy Dwi Bayu Bawono, S.E., M.Si, Ph.D., the Committee Chief of WPF, Wednesday (19/10). To organize effectively, UMS as one of the organizers had conducted coordination amidst the 48th National Congress of Muhammadiyah (Muktamar) agendas.

As planned, the eighth WPF will be held in The Sunan Hotel, Solo. The participants will also follow the opening ceremony of Muktamar in Manahan Stadium. “In the meeting, we as the committee, especially the organizing committee, hope and try to prepare the forum optimally to successfully organize the world peace forum in Solo,” he added.

People who will attend the forum are religious figures from various countries, including Husein Kavazovic, Grand Mufti from Bosnia Herzegovina accompanied by Prof Din Syamsuddin, and many other influential religious figures in the world.

UMS Coordinates Meeting for World Peace Forum in Solo

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